• Pricing

Small portal software company in Germany

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Market Strategy

Small web services portal in CA

  • Product development
  • Mergers & Acquisitions

Small Biotech Company in CA

  • Pricing
  • Channels

SCM, B2C, Search Engine

  • Market strategy

Large SCM software company in CA.

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Market entry

Large communications networks company with CRM and EAI solutions.

  • OEM channel strategy

Large aircraft manufacturer in WA

  • Sales & Channels Strategy
  • Vertical Market Strategy
  • International Market Entry
  • Lead Generation
  • Sales Organizational Structure

Medium-sized Application Server, EAI, Financial Applications and Rules Engine company in CA.

  • Sales and marketing strategy

Small Collaboration software and services company in CA

  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Product Strategy
  • Branding & Messaging

Mid-sized consumer desktop and graphics software company in Ontario, Canada.

  • Corporate strategy

Large Enterprise Content Management software company in CA

  • Product strategy

Large mobile device company in Sweden with a software platform component.

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Alliances
  • M&A

Small e-commerce postage solutions company in CA.

  • Market Strategy

Small Product Information Management and CRM company in MN.

  • Corporate Strategy

Medium-sized logistics and shipping company with a software component in CA

  • M&A
  • Corporate strategy

Small EAI software company in Netherlands.

  • Corporate Strategy

Medium-sized Data Warehousing and SCM software company in TX.

  • Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy
  • Investment Strategy

Large private equity firm in TX.

  • Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy
  • Financial Services and CRM market entry strategy
  • Professional Services strategy

Large Japanese Data Systems company with CRM software operations in CA.

  • Marketing strategy

Small customer profiling and CRM software company

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Channel Strategy

Large hardware company with multi-platform infrastructure solution in CA.

  • Marketing strategy

Small digital internet books publisher in NY.

  • Marketing strategy

Medium-sized consumer desktop and fax software company in NY.

  • Marketing strategy

Large metal cutting tools company with SCM and Manufacturing software company in PA.

  • Business Strategy

Large memory products and outsourcing company in CA.

  • Professional Services packing and strategy
  • Software and services industry trends study
  • Web services and XML evolution analysis
  • Mergers and Acquisitions for business applications

Large Consumer Software, Business Applications, Database Servers, and Infrastructure in WA

  • Marketing strategy

Medium-sized CRM company with customer support and billing services in CA.

  • Market Strategy
  • Verticals market analysis
  • Horizontal market analysis

Small SCM, contracts and pricing software company in CA.

  • Market Strategy

Small SCM electronic payment company.

  • Product Strategy

Large financial services company with a software development tools and consultancy division in South Africa.

  • Market Strategy
  • Branding & Messaging

Small Consumer and Enterprise Portal Company in CA.

  • Market Strategy

Small systems software developer in CA.

  • Alliances and Channel Strategy

Small healthcare network company in WA.

  • Channels Strategy

Small data management (SCM, CRM, SFA) company in CA.

  • Organizational strategy

Large financial services ERP company in PA.

  • Channel Strategy
  • Partner Strategy

Large Business Intelligence company in NC.

  • Web services business strategy

Large Hardware company with software infrastructure platform

  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Portfolio consolidation

Large private equity firm in TX.

  • Marketing Strategy

Medium-sized web and applications monitoring software company in TX.

  • Pricing Strategy
  • Marketing strategy

SCM (home media networking) software server company in MA.

  • Corporate Strategy

Small vertical internet, search engine and portal company